September 2008

It wasn’t the first time I’d woken up not knowing where I was, but it was the first time I’d woken up not knowing where I was! I’d experienced this odd phenomenon before where I’d wake up and have no...
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Elephant pants
Elephant pants, originally uploaded by jbraine. On the way back from lunch I saw a girl wearing one of those t-shirts that looked like someone left muddy handprints over her booba loobies. Got to thinking of an equivelant design for...
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A thousand words
Last November Claire Gingerpixel decided that instead of moaning about the lack of non-denominational schools (which is all I manage to do) she'd try and set one up. Fast forward 10 months to the start of September, and there she...
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Random photo
This was meant to be a test post. I'm just testing something...obviously... and went to post a random photo. I really like this photo though specially as it was taken by a 4-year-old just running around with a camera.
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Fly porn
flyporn0, originally uploaded by jbraine.
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Token for a ride
1ride, originally uploaded by jbraine. Found this 'ride token' in my pocket. It's from Funtasia in Bettystown. Now if I was single and the kinda guy that used cheesey chatup lines... just saying... if!
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When worlds collide
Bill O'Reilly is one of the most detestable characters I've ever come across. Surely you've seen him being a total dick about an autocue, or being hostile to many guests. See this clip from Outfoxed for a prime example. I've...
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The Whistleblower
I don't really like dramas any more. I find them all a bit dissapointing. Specially crime dramas, or anything that's supposed to be suspenseful. They pin everything on the twist which bores me senseless. "Never mind the first 59 minutes....
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